PERMISSIONS: To view the blog, post on it, and comment on posts, you must be invited. I will send you an email invitation to join the blog, and then you must follow the instructions to join up and begin posting. You can't join the blog without first creating a Google account.

POSTING: Post your poems by clicking "New Post" at the top right of the page. Paste your poem into the window.

LABELING: Then label the post with the assignment name (i.e., "confessional poem," "sonnet," etc.), your name (i.e., "Tony Barnstone," etc.), and the week (i.e., "week one," "week two," but not "week 1"--spell out your numbers). If you post a poem in week two that is due in week three, label it "week three." When you begin to type in a label, the program will fill it in for you, so your post will be labeled with the rest of the poems in the same category.

COMMENTING: Afterwards, you can "comment" on the posts of your classmates. Post "group one" and "group two" one-page critical responses as "comments" on the posted poems, but also print out copies for me and for the poet and give them to us in class.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Wistful glances flash
Towards the open window
Flying to unknown

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy the freedom this poem seems to represent. The thought of a child at home on a rainy day came to mind, thinking of what he or she could be doing outside. All the words used, "wistfull...towards, flying" make the poem almost move itself, the diction is a strong way to magnify what it is your trying to accomplish. The case is evident more in Haiku because there is such little room for words and ides. One thing I would suggest reviewing is the syllable count on your second line, there are only 6 syllables where there should be 7. A title would be excellent as well, once again great job, I really enjoyed trying to figure out what it is you are talking about. I still don't know for sure, but making assumptions is the fun part.
