PERMISSIONS: To view the blog, post on it, and comment on posts, you must be invited. I will send you an email invitation to join the blog, and then you must follow the instructions to join up and begin posting. You can't join the blog without first creating a Google account.

POSTING: Post your poems by clicking "New Post" at the top right of the page. Paste your poem into the window.

LABELING: Then label the post with the assignment name (i.e., "confessional poem," "sonnet," etc.), your name (i.e., "Tony Barnstone," etc.), and the week (i.e., "week one," "week two," but not "week 1"--spell out your numbers). If you post a poem in week two that is due in week three, label it "week three." When you begin to type in a label, the program will fill it in for you, so your post will be labeled with the rest of the poems in the same category.

COMMENTING: Afterwards, you can "comment" on the posts of your classmates. Post "group one" and "group two" one-page critical responses as "comments" on the posted poems, but also print out copies for me and for the poet and give them to us in class.

Thursday, March 5, 2009



Each night after work
the politician’s face rests
near a glass of teeth.


  1. Hey Celina,

    I think that this is a terrific poem. Really wild, intense imagery.

    Best, Tony

  2. Wow, Bob Dylan could have used that line in his songs. It is perfect. The poem expresses how the politicians who are all old, are the spokes people of our country. I am sure there are other things you can draw from this poem, but I really like what I am getting. These men are old with fake teeth, and they control our country and have for years. They shouldn't though, they are not in the best of health and shouldn't be running our country.
    This poem although so short, can tell me so many things. You can infer so many different possibilities, such as politicians are so comfortable when they lay down at night, and that is because in their eyes and the eyes of the law he is better. i don't know the exact meaning but the fact that this three line poem is making my mind jump all over the place, I am congratulating you.
    Keep doing things like this, they really make your readers think. It is brilliant and the imagery is perfect for the size of the poem. Every word counts in this poem and that isn't usually the case in short three line poems like, the lune or haiku. Is there a spoonerism in here? I don't know then again there maybe one hidden. Great poem i really liked how much it made me think.
